Expansion Plugins

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Code Highlight

Hexo comes with two built-in code highlighting plugins - highlight.js and prismjs. highlight.js is further divided into customized highlight.js for “Cards” and the original highlight.js. This corresponds to three versions: customized highlight.js for “Cards” (highlight), original highlight.js (hljs), and prismjs (prismjs).


Configure the highlight in the site configuration file. Make sure that enable is set to true, hljs is set to false, and prismjs.enable is set to false.

enable: true
line_number: false
auto_detect: false
tab_replace: ''
wrap: true
hljs: false
enable: false
preprocess: true
line_number: false
tab_replace: ''

Customized highlight.js for Hexo cannot be used directly with highlight.js themes. Therefore, “Cards” has customized code highlighting themes to fit better with the overall style.

Since the readability of many code highlighting themes varies greatly between light/dark mode, the code highlighting theme used in each mode can be set separately under the style in the theme configuration file.


  • default: default code highlighting theme
  • darkmode: code highlighting theme used in dark mode

Only the name of the highlight theme needs to be filled in here, and no need to include the path or suffix. “Cards” will automatically complete it when requested. The vendor for highlight themes can be configured in vendors.highlight.


Configure the highlight in the site configuration file. Make sure that enable and hljs are both set to true, line_number and wrap are both set to false, and prismjs.enable is set to false.

enable: true
line_number: false
auto_detect: false
tab_replace: ''
wrap: false
hljs: true
enable: false
preprocess: true
line_number: false
tab_replace: ''

Original highlight.js can use themes provided by highlight.js directly. Similarly, in the theme configuration file, the highlight theme used in each mode can be set separately under the style.hljs. The vendor for highlight themes can be configured in vendors.hljs.


Configure the prismjs in the site configuration file. Make sure that enable and preprocess are both set to true, and highlight.enable is set to false.

enable: false
line_number: false
auto_detect: false
tab_replace: ''
wrap: false
hljs: true
enable: true
preprocess: true
line_number: false
tab_replace: ''

prismjs supports using themes provided by itself directly. In the theme configuration file, the highlight theme used in each mode can be set separately under the style.prismjs.


  • default: default code highlighting theme
  • darkmode: code highlighting theme used in dark mode

Similarly, only the name of the highlight theme needs to be filled in here, without the need to specify the path or suffix. “Cards” will automatically complete it when making the request. The vendor for highlight themes can be configured in vendors.prismjs.


Add the following front-matter to any article that requires mathematical formula rendering:

mathjax: true

If you have changed the renderer, adjust according to your actual situation.

Image Lazyload

“Cards” comes with a Lazyload plugin for images. To avoid conflicts, do not install other plugins.

Starting from “Cards” v1.1.0, you do NOT need to move the lazyload configuration to the site configuration file. You can directly modify the theme configuration file to make the relevant configuration effective.

enable: true
onlypost: false
  • onlypost: Enable image lazyload only on article pages
  • loadingImage: Placeholder image for lazyload

“Cards” has a built-in site search function. To avoid conflicts, do not install other plugins. Before enabling it, you need to generate a separate page for it.

Starting from “Cards” v1.1.0, you do NOT need to move the search configuration to the site configuration file. You can directly modify the theme configuration file to make the relevant configuration effective.

enable: true
path: search.json
field: All
  • path: Path to the generated website database
  • field: Data acquisition range (Page | Post | All)

Tag Plugin

The Tag plugin enriches the style of quote block.

note: true

To use this plugin in an article:

{% note [ type ] Title %}

Main content

{% endnote %}

[ type ] is optional and can be filled with info, important, tip, caution, or warning, corresponding to five different styles. You can go to the theme demo to see the style preview.

Content Folding

Use the Content Folding plugin to fold any content section within an article.

enable: true
  • summary: default folding title
  • motion: adds a vertical slide animation when folding/unfolding

To use this plugin in an article:

{% fold Summary %}


{% endfold %}

If you want a folding box to be expanded by default:

{% fold open, Summary %}


{% endfold %}


fancyBox is a jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more when touched. You can go to the Demo page for images to test its effect. Since “Cards” has customized its own Lazyload function, even if you enable image lazyload, Fancybox can still be well compatible with it.

enable: true
auto: false

Setting enable: true enables fancyBox. By default, it is not applied to all images. To apply fancyBox to a specific image, wrap it with the <fancybox> tag, for example:


If you set auto: true, it will be automatically applied to all images without the need to wrap them in the <fancybox> tag.

Back to Top

The Back to Top button.

back_to_top: true

Dark Mode

Dark mode, controlled by the visitor’s terminal prefers-color-scheme parameter, also adds a manual switch button.

darkmode: true