Theme Cards

Another Simple · Swift · Powerful Hexo Theme!


The low barrier to entry and low cost of static web pages have brought a small wave of renaissance to personal websites that were once in decline. Unlike the boom period of blogs over a decade ago, it’s now much easier to have a website. The inefficiency and management problems brought by the large number of pages have also given rise to a number of excellent generation tools, Hexo being one of them.

Due to the nature of static websites, although Hexo can now handle many scenarios (such as this document being generated using Hexo), the most widely used application is still personal blogs. With a focus on recording, sharing, and the original design intent, I attempted to create such a theme. Seeking refinement and highlighting the core, this may be what a personal blog should look like.


Single-column theme & card-based design, eliminating unnecessary complexity and focusing on the content itself.

Responsive layout, providing a good reading experience on various devices.


Pages under 50Kb can run without any JavaScript dependencies by default; resources are only loaded when needed, greatly optimizing our most important “performance”.

The theme natively supports polished Lazyload, which can be enabled with just one line of configuration.


No need to deal with complex code, just customize everything in the configuration file.

  • Support for 10 comment systems: Disqus, Valine, Artalk, Gitalk, Gitment, LiveRe, Changyan, Wildfire, Twikoo
  • Support for 7 statistical services: Google Analytics, Baidu Statistics, CNZZ, LeanCloud, Busuanzi, Cloudflare Web Analytics, Umami
  • Support for multiple code highlighting plugins
  • Background, card, link, and grayscale can all be adjusted to create a unique style for your website

Of course, these features are only loaded when needed, so there is no need to worry about slowing down page speed.


Theme Cards is open source under the GPL-3.0 license. This document is built on Hexo) and rendered using the theme Doku specifically designed for documents. The static page is hosted on GitHub Pages.

Special thanks to Spencer.